Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

benefits of coconut water

Not just a myth , coconut water does have many health benefits , beirkut them .

Equivalent benefits of cow's milk . Young coconut water protein content of 0.2 g / 100 g , while in cow's milk 3.2 g / 100 g . All animal protein ( except gelatin ) is a complete protein , containing all essential amino acids . Cow's milk contains essential amino acids certainly more complete than coconut water . Essential amino acids alone is absolutely necessary amino acids the body , but can not be formed by the body . So it should come from outside . Which includes essential amino acids such as lysine , leucine , isoleucine , threonine , tryptophan , phenylalanine , valine , methionine , and histidine . In coconut water , amino acids arginine 12.75 % , 2.41% alanine , cysteine ​​( 1.17 % ) , serine ( 0.91 % ) were indeed implies higher than cow's milk . But four of the amino acids are not essential amino acids . This is the difference . Being other amino acids found in coconut water is ; glutamine , histidine , phenylalanine , tyrosine , leucine , lysine , tyrosine , and histidine . Glutamine is an amino acid highest in coconut water . thins info ace maxs

Make your skin clean baby at birth . Coconut water does contain a variety of vitamins . Among the dominant vitamin C , nicotinic acid , folic acid , pantothenic acid , biotin , and riboflavin . Vitamin C itself functions as an antioxidant , skin care , and helps the formation of collagen tissue . Collagen itself is necessary for the integrity of the cell structure in all connective tissue , also for flexibility and suppleness . " So , vitamin C and collagen contained in coconut water taken by a pregnant woman , can help make your baby's skin becomes more clean and supple , " said dr . Endang Peddyawati , MS , SpGK . , Clinical nutrition specialist from Friendship Hospital , Jakarta .

Make the body limp . In 2000 , the FAO ( Food agency 's ) even named coconut water as a natural energy drink . In addition , coconut water does contain isotonic fluid , similar to the composition of the electrolyte and fluid in the body which can reduce the effects of dehydration due to reduced body fluids . Thus , coconut water will not make your body so weak , especially because coconut water contains carbohydrates , amino acids , vitamins , and ions are able to provide energy for your body .

Reduce the effects of alcohol . Alcoholic beverages into the stomach it can be removed by drinking coconut water to make vomiting ( due to coconut water can serve as an antidote or antidote to certain substances ) . Coconut water can also dilute the concentration of liquor , to the effect becomes weaker . But if the liquor has penetrated into the network -especially when it is causing damage to tissues that are permanen- the consumption of coconut water is absolutely no benefit .

Solve kidney stone and remove it . A study was conducted in patients with kidney stones . Coconut water that serves as a diuretic can remove kidney stones in these patients . " Surely the stone size is very small , " said dr . Peddy . But if the stone is already larger than the urinary tract , coconut water can not rely on.

Reduce fever and DHF patients increase platelets . " As with other diseases caused by viruses , dengue fever associated with endurance , " said dr . Peddy . For patients with dengue fever paramount prevent shock by keeping the body fluids , either by drinking or by infusion . Depending on the patient's condition . Coconut water is needed because it has such content isotonic fluids of the body ( but not to increase platelets ) . Platelets will rise in line with the healing process .

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